Beyond the Headlines: Astrological Insights into a Troubled Time
The past week has been a whirlwind of emotions, a rollercoaster ride between the national stage and a small-town courtroom. While the nation was engrossed in the presidential election, my attention was captivated by a different kind of drama: the Delphi murder trial.
Well, the election is over. We all know how that turned out. Each of us having our own feelings about it. As for the trial, the jury has not reached a verdict yet and everyone has to wait until Monday for deliberations to resume. (Today is Saturday).
One thing I realized the past few days is that the election and the trial have a few things in common. One of the biggest things is that they are equally divisive. In each case, people tend to take sides and use the word “they” a lot. “They” being those who do not share their opinion. In relation to the trial, one side believes that the accused is guilty, and the other believes he is innocent. Neither is privy to all of the evidence presented in the trial as the trial is not being televised and only a very limited number of people are allowed to attend, as it is a very small court room. There are a few reporters and YouTubers who manage to get in every day and report back every night. These are all human people, so there is bias to some degree or another in all of their reports.
The public’s opinion as to whether the accused is guilty or not seems to depend on which YouTube channels they follow, in addition to which Facebook groups and Reddit subs they follow. There is very little constructive discussion between the two sides at this point, and a lot of “us” vs “them” going on. Today I noticed that the group who believes he is innocent is now referring to the side that thinks he is guilty as “bootlickers.” On a positive note, both sides claim to want the “real killer” to be put away for life.
Other than the divisiveness and the rhetoric that goes with it, the next thing I became aware of is that both the accused and the United States are having Chiron Returns. I mentioned that to a friend, The Psychic Sleuth, who asked what that means. I admitted that I don’t really know, but there is no such thing as coincidence, so it must mean something, right? The accuser is not the only individual experiencing a Chiron Return, I am sure a lot of voters are too as it is more or less a generational event.
In the case of the United States, Chiron is in the 4th house at 20 degrees Aries.
When we look at transits, we take orbs into consideration. In the case of the US Chiron Return, this is a process that began in 2018 and will last through 2027. What is interesting here, is that it was exact on election day, meaning both transiting Chiron and “natal” Chiron were located at 20 degrees Aries.
Referring to Lynda Hill’s site:
This Symbol shows that there may be a temptation to take on issues, even to fight, but it needs to be with dignity and regulation. You may feel a need, or the urge, to step up to the plate and take something or someone on. There are rules to follow and often others will be end up being the judge of the final outcome. Make sure you possess the skills and training to defend what you believe. Remember that sometimes you need to back off if you’re not winning a contest.
Question: are you more on the attack or on the defense?
Physical or psychological self-assertion and determination. Fighting for one’s emotional, psychological or physical space. Being a contender. Entering the ring or the arena.Using power to dominate people or those who challenge you. Wanting to knock people out. Storming in and taking over. Looking for combat. Being combative.
Transiting Chiron is also at 20 degrees Aries for the Delphi Murder Trial. I think the Sabian Symbol, as interpreted by Lynda Hill, answers the question, “what does that mean?” in relation to both the election and the accused undergoing a Chiron Return at this time. Interesting, isn’t it?