A little over one hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner predicted that a vaccine would be developed to eliminate, as early as possible in life, the ability of the human being to know that they have a soul or contemplate anything related to the spiritual world.
“That is incredible. I never thought of that, but I feel the vaccine WILL have adverse effects. Just rushing out the door. What do you think?”
I am conflicted, but my instincts are telling me not to get it. It is fast tracked. They have no idea what the long-term effects are. It is not a normal vaccine but rather one that manipulates your RNA. A fast track vaccine that manipulates your genes??? Then they say you may still get it and that it may not be effective against new strains. At the same time, there is vitamin D. This is what I got through it with so far, along with a mask and hand washing. I never contracted the virus so...
I am also very sensitive to drugs with my 12th house and Mars. I think I am better off sticking with what is natural. Looking forward to your thoughts once you return and have time.
“Well, what a synchronicity when I received your email this morning, because I was rushing out the door to see a craniosacral therapist! The one I found in the town nearby was trained in Rudolf Steiner’s methods and philosophies!!! I got my treatment today and learned a lot from this guy. He explained that my head was traumatized, like I'd received whiplash, or been beaten severely around the head.
I said: "Past lives?" He said: "Let's just focus on this life." All the traumas and injuries I've had to the head during my whole life have finally caught up with me because the body stores everything. I brought up what you told me about Steiner's prediction into the future, 100 years away, NOW, and how people would lose touch with their souls - and he AFFIRMED it!!!
I asked, "What if I don't get the vaccine?" (which I have never intended to do). He replied, "You will become a non-person, and will be denied services." In effect, we will become outcasts - very apt for Pluto approaching Aquarius. He spoke about Ahriman, the anti-Christ, and I remembered a woman who shared some info on Steiner's teachings about Ahriman with me. I kind of fobbed her off, because I felt "full" of teachings, and didn't want to take on any more philosophies. But I heard of Ahriman 30 years ago while working on a biodynamic farm in Tasmania.
I've had two extreme synchronicities with you: the first was with Edgar Cayce, and the second about Rudolph Steiner. I feel we are being steered to read these teachings and take them seriously. It is wonderful to get this green light from the universe. But I want to look into this more!!
I am wondering if they are going to deny me medicine and hospital treatments? For me, it will be difficult. I have no problem whatsoever surviving here on my property. I am already prepared to a degree, but now that I have this knowledge (thanks to you), I will take it more seriously.
This guy said that traditional medicine REALLY REALLY does fuck up the body. We should not be taking many things. But this vaccine is especially dangerous for the reasons you pointed out. I definitely don't want the vaccine. I think it is a diabolical move that everyone has been pulled into. I have always felt someone or something behind this whole manipulation of the masses - and off they go like good little citizens/sheep and get their shots.
It looks like everyone will be "forced" to get it, especially people like me. What is in my favor is that I live in an isolated place, not a city, and here the incidence of Covid is very low. Perhaps it will be less restrictive here, I hope. I also am extremely sensitive to drugs. Vitamin D sounds good. I usually take 2 tablets a day. I will stock up. Neptune conjunct my Ascendant in my 1st house makes me susceptible to unnatural substances.”
I have thought about that bit about becoming a non- person if you do not get the vaccine. Two thoughts. First, that is only if something major does not come to light, making them back off about it. If not, well, it will start out with things like not being able to go on a plane. I have no plans for that, anyway. We own our homes and can grow our own food. I live mostly in isolation, anyway. I hope it does not get that far, but there does seem to be some kind of collective evil driving it.
So interesting that you "were coincidently" sent to a Steiner doctor.Who would have thought? It is no accident. Re-reading about your head and session. I hope this guy can help you. I have more faith in him than in the more mainstream practitioners. You said we will become "outcasts" if we do not get the vaccine and with Pluto approaching AQ. We share a common IC. The root of our being is Aquarius, so will we become outcasts or are we already outcasts? Lol!
I was watching a video about Ahriman last night but fell asleep so will have to start over. Yes, Edgar Cayce and Rudolph Steiner. We are being steered to read their works. I read news headlines every day. Not much news itself, but just the headlines. The world has gone mad. There is no doubt.
A friend of mine posted about how a friend of hers got very sick from the vaccine. OMG - you should see the flack she got for that. She (or maybe FB) removed the post and the thread. I messaged her and asked. She did not answer about what happened to the post but said:
"Hello My Friend,
After research, I will not take the vaccine. My mom’s MD in Miami told me to take Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C and Quercitin. Of course I do reiki on myself every day, wear a mask in social settings and wash my hands a lot. I also do not take the flu vaccine and have had the flu twice in my life. As a kid I got measles, mumps and chicken pocks. I’m super healthy now at 63. On zero pharma drugs. I take CBD and my supplements. Eat healthy"
So, what kind of treatments does this new practitioner give you?
“The new practitioner does micro adjustments to my head, neck, and places in body, using no force whatsoever. I trust him - but it is costing me $100 a visit. Sorry, I don't have anything positive to report”
While reading your reply, a thought hit me in relation to Covid and Pluto in Capricorn. It is really very simplistic and obvious but the first I thought about it - Pluto in Capricorn is about Fear as it is ruled by Saturn. I could go on and on by bringing Neptune in Pisces into the equation, but don't have to with you.
Now, in relation to what you said about being careful about following intuition and you ending up with practitioners that hurt you rather than helping you, this series of videos came to mind. I think you would benefit from watching them. They took me by surprise as the guy does not look the type and goes by "Rev" but turns out to be full of useful information and warns about being careful when choosing "energy healers." The series is on the seven chakras:
Please watch the chakra videos as you may find something beneficial in relation to your situation. It may simply be something you already know but need to be reminded of. While watching the one on the sacral chakra, I was thinking that one is way out of balance on the collective level.
Very glad to learn that you guys were aware that something is 'off' (to say the least) with the whole scenario -- i.e. the 'covid cult' and the invented jabs. Truth is, this method of 'creating the problem, waitiing for the reaction and then offering the 'solution' -- the 'soluiton' being something that Humanity would never ever want or accept out of free will; so the secret agenda was to push something harmful, limiting and enslaving on to Humnity with such level of genius manipulation that creates a false 'reality' wihtin which Humanity's creative powers are USED for the goal the 'controllers' want to create: but they can't so they manipulate Humanity to create it and eventually agree and even 'want to' have that which they would never 'vote' for otherwise.
We have to give credit when it's due: it is a genius plan - and worked on a large number of already dumbed down and 'mind-controlled' (programmed) people.
Mask wearing does NOT protect anyone from any 'virus' - it actually prevents healthy breathing and prevents the body to eliminate what it doesn't need - it's like mixinig our poo with our dinner sorry to be graphic:)
Anyhow every aspect of the 'covid cult' was based on ancient rituals : masks symbolically eliminate our humanness - justs look at people: it's anything but 'human' how they look like. It's an ancient black magic ritual actually - part of some very dark agenda to say the least. (free masons still using it in their secret ceremonies and some others too) Meanwhile it is unhealthy and cause breathing + immune problems when one is wearing it for extended period of time. The so called 'test' is a complete lie - it can absolutely not tell if one is sick at a time or not - meanwhile sticking things up in the nose is extremely dangerous it can damage the blood barrier towards the brain: and by the way, it is nothing else but an ancient punishment method of 'slaves'.
And all this is 'ordered' by so called 'health authorities' who supposedly 'care' for our well being?
Well, that's just in a nutshell because there are many other issues at the background - but even the most narrow perception of the events from the point of view of 'public health'; if the above is not enough to question the udnerlying agenda - I do not know what is.
Very interesting. I'm in the middle of listening to a 24 hour long biography of Edgar Cayce. Steiner is very interesting too. I've heard a couple talks about his work recently. I have Neptune conjunct Moon in 4th house squaring a 7-8 house stellium in Aquarius, and trine to Sun and Venus in Pisces. Neptune and Moon Saturn ruling my 6-7-8 houses making me vulnerable to chronic illness. Aquarius coming from outside to bring trouble. Sounds like a common theme. The Cranio-Sacral therapy sounds interesting I've considered trying it. I find most things don't seem to help that much. My health is stable though thank goodness. about as good as its been considering my age and all. It is so unfortunate that the vaccine and people and other things have become so politicized. Pluto in Aquarius seems to be a time of fanaticism and control. I grew up Democrat and voted that way up until very recently. Seems like the open-hearted folks are now on the right, with control freaks on the left. Just the opposite of how I remember it being. I wonder if that is part of the Aquarius Pluto where tribalism becomes all important. Perhaps the conservatives have learned some of the lessons of history while the left is being carried away with their emotions. I don't know, just me thinking aloud... lol. Looks like you have allot of other interesting articles. The art work is great. I Look forward to reading more. Thanks!