Electra was a hot-headed teenager with fiery red hair. She was very independent, as well as confident and domineering. She totally lacked patience and was as impulsive as an Aries is expected to be. One day in gym class, she rushed onto the hockey field and was struck in the head by a field hockey stick. She fell to the ground and when she woke up, found herself in a bowl full of water with a snail named Sydney. Rather than finding herself in the peaceful meadow that she expected to find in the afterlife, she had reincarnated. Yes, reincarnation can be instant, especially if you are a young Aries soul who is always in a rush. If Electra was meant to evolve, well, she meant to get it over with quickly.
Electra soon realized that she was no longer a redhead teenage girl, but rather a red-finned betta fish named Gregory. In her life as Electra, she was known for her adventurous spirit and desire for immediate action. Now she was confined to a small bowl and frustrated by the limited space and her inability to fully express her fiery energy.
Electra always loved a challenge and was very competitive. Now, as Gregory, there wasn’t anyone to compete with. Yes, he shared a bowl with Sydney the snail, but a snail was hardly competition. Every once in a while Gregory saw his own reflection. He got excited and flared at it. He was willing to fight it to death as he was a Siamese Fighting Fish after all. Although Gregory and his reflection often spent hours and hours flaring at each other, nothing much came of it. Eventually, Gregory would tire of it and hang out blowing bubbles near the surface instead. He hoped to be a father someday. That would be a better way to spend his time.
After living a life as a spirited and energetic Aries girl, Gregory was growing frustrated and restless being confined to a small bowl of water with a boring old snail. He began to swim back and forth or glass surf relentlessly. He continued to flare at his reflection. His owner became concerned as he thought a betta that was raised in a small plastic cup would appreciate and enjoy life in a small betta bowl. He did not realize that this repetitive and compulsive behavior was due to boredom and lack of stimulation. He turned to Father Fish, a YouTube celebrity and aquarium expert, for help and guidance.
After binge-watching Father Fish videos, Gregory’s owner decided it was time to move Gregory to a planted aquarium. Gregory was no longer alone. He was in a 20 gallon aquarium with a gang of guppies and a school of neon tetras. Although none of these fish were his “type,” Gregory enjoyed their company and ceased flaring at his own reflection as he was no longer bored.
Gregory found a broad Amazon sword leaf plant to sleep under at night. He felt happy and safe there. Life was good. Gregory ate blood worms for breakfast and betta pellets for dinner. What more could a betta ask for? The tetras would swim by while Gregory swam among the plants looking for tasty treats to eat. The guppies were active as well. Gregory was territorial, so he would flare at any overzealous guppy that dared enter his space. He especially disliked those with fancy tails.
Gregory loved to sunbathe in the afternoon, the golden light of the sun shining through the window and into the tank. He would rest on a java fern leaf and observe the world around him. After some time, he completely forgot his life as a fiery red-headed girl and enjoyed the more laid back life the aquarium afforded him. What could be better than spending your days watching neon tetras swimming back and forth all day while guppies nibble on algae and the hum of the filter puts you in a calm meditative state?
As evening approaches, Gregory hunts for brine shrimp caught in the plants. This is one of his favorite foods. Once it gets dark and the lights are turned off, Gregory seeks out his spot under the Amazon Sword plant. He drifts off into sleep and dreams of building a bubble nest and raising a family someday.
Unfortunately Gregory would never have a chance to build that nest, as one day soon after disaster struck. There was a wicked storm. Gregory heard the word “hurricane.” The power went out. Along with it went the filters, air stone, heater and aquarium light. Like everyone else in existence, Gregory held past life memories in his unconscious. These include forgotten talents and skills. Gregory instinctively took charge in much the same way Electra the red-head Aries would in this situation. He told the others they need to calm down and stop swimming around. Of course, to no avail, as unlike a betta, they could not float near the surface and breathe the air. They were in a panic.
As the days passed by, the tank grew dirty and food became scarce. It became difficult to breathe. No one really wants to hear the end of this sad story. Let’s skip to the part in which Gregory wakes up in the afterlife. He is in a beautiful, well planted, betta bowl, with Sydney the snail, who turns out to be his spirit guide.
Electra soon realized that she was no longer a redhead teenage girl, but rather a red-finned betta fish named Gregory. Ha! Great!! Also, the "lessons Learned" is a super idea! It helps the reader appreciate the story even more.....