In Wicca, a modern Pagan religion, the Summerland refers to a blissful afterlife. It's neither heaven nor hell, but a separate non-physical realm. Descriptions vary, some see it as an eternal summer paradise, lush and warm. Others describe it as a realm of pure energy, where souls mingle with the divine without form.
Theosophy, a 19th-century spiritual movement, uses "Summerland" differently. Here, it's a more general term – the astral plane, a higher level of existence. Souls reside here between incarnations on Earth. This Summerland is a place of rest and rejuvenation before another earthly lifetime. Theosophy even suggests “good souls” get the choicest spots in this pleasant Summerland.
These ideas about the Summerland resonated with me during a period of profound personal loss. My father's final words, uttered in the sterile hush of the hospital room, were a plea to "go home." It wasn't a longing for our house, but a yearning for something more, a destination beyond this world. Consumed by a need to understand, I embarked on a journey that led me back to the concept of the Summerland. Perhaps, I thought, this was the "home" my father yearned for. This exploration led me to share my findings with a close friend.
I had a close friend who was not afraid to talk about death. She was closer to it than she let on. At the time, I was very conscious of death having recently lost several family members, and a few friends. It was a period in my life in which death was a major theme. Going through old email, I found one I wrote to her referencing “the Summerland.”
Never forget, this is where we came from and this is where we return
when we "go home." It is a fact that many people who are about to die
natural deaths (as opposed to accidental) speak of going home. Home is ”paradise” or "the Summerland." As long as you feel you have a purpose here on Earth, you will remain here. Once you no longer have a purpose you too will start to speak of going home. I don't think you are there yet. You still have work to do here.
I went on to write about my mother, who was a hospice patient in my home. My mother spoke of going home as though we were going together. One night she said we would be leaving in the morning. When I pointed out that we were still here in the morning, she said it was because she forgot something important she had to do. She didn’t elaborate but hung on a little longer.
I used to say “Don't let death scare you as it is only death from one perspective. It
is a "birth" from another. A birth into another realm or consciousness.”
My mother used to doubt everything I said about death and the afterlife. She would say, "No one ever came back to let us know." Kidding around, I made her promise to let me know if I was right once she made it "to the other side." Well, check this out. All my life I have never been able to find a package of all black underwear. Not online or in a store. It is like they include one pair of black along with five other colors. I never once found a package with only black. I complained about this to my mother one day.
After my mother passed, I was in a store and walked through the underwear section. Much to my surprise I saw a package with nine pairs of black underwear in it! It was the only one and was on clearance on top of being all black! I bought it. It is unopened in a drawer. I may never open it as to me it is a sign from my mother that we return home to “paradise,” or “the Summerland,” once we depart this life.
My friend's response to my email was a heartfelt exchange about death and the afterlife. She found my belief system fascinating, particularly the concept of the Summerland.
Your email was beautiful to read. I love your 12th house Libra planets! and the spirituality and lofty beliefs (knowing). My 12th house is Libra too - with Jupiter there. Yes, I truly FEEL Heaven is a real place. In fact, I see aspects of it here on Earth - but in heaven the beauty is thousand-fold.
We both shared a strong sense of a higher purpose and a belief in Heaven's existence. She recounted a poignant memory of her grandfather, highlighting the bittersweet nature of loss. Her final words, urging me to embrace life by buying more black underwear, offered a touch of humor and a reminder to live fully in the present.
I do feel a strong PURPOSE at this time. Even though I may not be in the best of health (nobody knows), I am still super competent at my work -and I actually love it.
WOW - a sign from your mother!!!!!!!! That is amazing!!! Yes, and I do believe it was from her, as your intuition is indicating that. What a great mom!
I was thinking of my sweet grandfather just yesterday - and how I was crying at his hospital bedside - we knew he would not have long. I was about 13 at the time. He squeezed my hand. Such sweet sorrow.
You should get yourself another pack of those black undies and wear them.
The Summerland
Wicca 101: The Summerland, The Winter land, and Reincarnation
A Grave Interest: The Summerland
. You reminded me of when I too held my grandfather's hand when he died back in 1980. And your mentioning of Summerland, reminded me of my Wiccan partner who killed herself (aged 30) in 2016. She later told me she was on her way to Summerland when she visited during a mindfulness session with a Buddhist lady. After she died my life became very steeped in synchronicity , I wrote an account of it here
Interesting anecdote on the black underwear! I bought a multi-pack of black underwear through Pact several years ago not knowing there was anything unusual about that. They still sell them -- expensive, but sometimes they have sales.