In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light.” That is the moment I came into existence, along with everyone and everything else. We were all color coded specks of light. It would be a very long time before we began incarnating on Earth, or anywhere else for that matter, in physical form. The exciting thing is that we were all co-creators with God, as each of us is a small part of God. Yes, we were capable of creating anything we wanted as long as we could imagine it. It would be a very long time before we imagined and created a physical world, however.
Each of us were, and still are, interconnected individual parts of the whole. Yes, we were all different, yet the same. We were all one, yet individual. We lived in a state of perfection back then. We lived in a state of bliss until we became aware of our individuality. This did not happen for a very long time, but it did happen. Yes, as time went on, we began to have desires. Individual desires. In the beginning, we had a collective desire to experience ourselves as a whole. Later on, we began to have individual desires. Each of us began to want to experience different things, or the same things, in unique ways. The purpose for this being that the collective could create and experience so much more this way than we could as “one.”
Oh, how my soul longs for these times. So much has happened since then. I’ve had so many experiences on so many planes. When in a deep meditative state, or hypnosis, I can go back and re-experience this time. As I mentioned earlier, we were all color coded specks of light. I belong to the “gold” group. Our purpose was to create plant life. At first we created the simplest forms of plant life, but as time went on, we got very good at this and created the most beautiful life forms. My specialty was edible plants and herbs that can be used to prevent and treat disease. Others were more focused on trees and flowers whose purpose was to provide beauty in the world. Eventually, we created what became known as The Garden of Eden on Earth. This took a lot of skill and imagination, but we did it. We were successful. We created similar Eden’s elsewhere, but this one was our first.
There was another group creating animals, fish, reptiles and birds. There was another group creating proto-type human beings. What we think of as Adam and Eve were actually pro-types. They were not physical beings. It would be a long time before these came into being. In any case, this group may have had the hardest task of all, but they eventually succeed in creating physical human beings. Their success changed everything. Once humans began to populate the Earth, individual experiences and physical desires became the norm.
Like most souls, I gave into temptation and incarnated on Earth in physical form. What a mistake that was. Like most, I have been trapped here ever since, thanks to the Law of Karma. Yes, we have free will and are free to choose our fate. When we choose to incarnate on Earth, we choose to adhere to Natural Law and the Law of Karma. Being trapped by the wheels of karma is not the worst thing that can happen. We are allowed to visit and exist on other planes at the same time and between lives. Still, we have to keep coming back until we balance our karma and exhaust our earthly desires.
Don’t get me wrong, it is not that I dislike life on Earth. Not at all. It is just that it does not measure up to the “Eden” we created a very long time ago. Once you remember that, it changes you. Not everyone can recall our earliest days as creative specks of light working to create worlds in which we can live and experience life. Those who can remember, consciously or unconsciously, yearn to return to this state of being. In the meantime, many pass their time here on Earth creating art and music, while others are mystics, healers and light workers of all kinds. As for me, I spend my time growing plants and telling people what they should be eating.
Thanks for this wonderful exploration into our origins - i enjoyed every word of it. Your art fits perfectly with the overall mood and energy of the story. This is certainly one of your best - I look forward to more....