The first post on my Facebook feed included an excerpt from Leoni Hodgson's book, Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology. The excerpt was related to Neptune moving into Aries next year. The title was, A New Spiritual Cycle & Opportunity for Humanity Begins. One specific paragraph spoke to me:
Neptune’s location in the first sign of the zodiac, is a message to renew our spiritual quest and go in a new and higher direction. We must build on traditional values and beliefs from the past and take them to a new, refreshing level.
Transiting Pluto conjunct the Sun at zero degrees Aquarius in the 3rd House is currently square my natal Sun in Libra conjunct Neptune in Scorpio in the 12th House. Of course, I went straight to Amazon and downloaded a copy of this book to my Kindle. I started reading and was immediately reminded that I used to study, and practice, Raja Yoga.
Through a dedicated practice of raja yoga, one develops detachment towards worldly objects, our thoughts, and the results of our actions. This develops an understanding of our true nature and leads to the cultivation of inner peace and tranquility
A few days later, my co-workers and I received notice that the company we work for lost its contract with the client we service. Mid-March we will all be unemployed. I found myself staring at the email, feeling quite detached, yet feeling free at the same time. Yes, the Universe was freeing me of a situation I was afraid to leave as it was comfortable and secure. I felt relieved. It’s over. It’s out of my hands. It is time to move on.
This is not the first time this has happened. I found myself in a similar situation several years ago. At that time, the loss of my job was intentional. I had planned it out well in advance. I was simply ready to move on. The book that put me back on the path was Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green. I was staring at my bookcase one day and pulled it off a shelf and opened it up. Inside was a copy of some correspondence from The School of Evolutionary Astrology. I was a student who had drifted away. This moment helped put me back on track. I continued down the Evolutionary Astrology path for several years.
I discovered the Morya Association during this time. I already had a collection of Alice A. Bailey books, with Ponder Upon This being my favorite. I also read the works of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and other Theosophical writers. I have to admit, I wasn’t interested in Esoteric Astrology at that time, it was The Ageless Wisdom that they taught which attracted me and drew me in. Here I was introduced to Raja Yoga. I was a student for some time, but life events got in the way and forced me off my path. I never managed to get back on track and ended up with a full-time job, the same one that I am about to lose.
I believe in synchronicity. I do not believe in coincidence. My path is no longer survival but rather something that will become clear to me as I read Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology, it seems. According to the book’s description on Amazon, “The "Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body" is an astrological guide-book for the transformation of consciousness, that is practical and very useful for those who are aspiring to something higher and finer.” It seems I will finally have time for this now.
One of the first lessons in the current passage of Pluto in Aquarius is most important to learn. The Sun is still conjunct Pluto -- a process of awakening into our authentic, individualistic, soul self. - Eric Meyers