Interesting. Hm...connection between our 'higher mind'. Maybe you're right. There certainly is some connection indeed. Once we 'access'the higher mind - then certainly for we try to put it in 'words' indeed and somehow express it within the 'everyday' human level.


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I don't even know where this came from. I have never really been interested in Mercury and/or Mercury RX all that much. I am more an outer planet type :-)

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Funny, you always trigger me to go deeper:)

So hang on to your 'hat' haha :)

Mercury - in my view - is the 'interface' via which we engage with our 'human reality' our overall 'environment' on a day to day basis, Further more - again in my view according to my observations - it's natural house, the 3rd house in a very symbolic and 'essential' sense somehow has the 'bottom-line' and 'nature' of the overall 'story' of our human life in a 'nutshell' so to speak, which will be of course 'painted' by the 'colours' of natal Mercury, and where Gemini falls in the chart also if there are planets etc. in Gemini. Kind of our overall 'relation' to our 'experienced life'.

To make it a bit more complicated - let's remember that Mercury also rules Virgo and the natural ruler of the 6th house too! :)

So let's just not put things in the already provided 'boxes' that will limit our overall perception and put some 'glasses' on us - according to who knows what kind of intentions that may 'funnel' us to think in a particular way:)

To me, one of the fundamental 'meaning' with Mercury RX applied to the Virgo and 6th house archetype is the deep inner 'reminder' that we are part of Nature, part of the family of Earthmother - and like all that is around us - we too are ‘playing out’ ONE particular 'role' in the 'Great Orchestra' of Life; the most comprehensive co-created ‘orchestra’ which is far-far more than just the 'human world’. Which can remind us that we are deeply connected to it all - far beyond the 'usual perceptions' – like those that talk about delay in traffic, or missing emails etc.

It can actually remind us that – unfortunately in our current’ civilisation’ - all that which is truly natural (within and without us!) had been conditioned into the population for many millennia to somehow view as 'inferior'. Hence, the view for example within the EA community got 'natural' in a backward way. What's truly 'natural' has far less to do with Sagittarius - and far more to do with Virgo -in my view.

It's no coincidence that all and every truly natural culture(s) that had been colonised had been more or less progressively eliminated; starting with labelling them as 'primitive' 'inferior' even not 'fully human'. Then of course based on these kinds of widely distributed 'beliefs' and 'religious' or otherwise 'ideologies' the conditioning of the people within the colonising cultures created a 'world-view' accordingly and perceived and TREATED indigenous people as 'inferior'. Their language and their ancient wisdom dismissed and often prohibited. They were looked down at, discriminated against etc.-- to such a degree that eventually the very indigenous people themselves and their descendants (as they were forced to ‘mill in’ to the colonising societies) were conditioned to feel SHAME for who they were. (Virgo, within the civilised world; what’s actually simply natural progressively judged and ‘believed’ to be WORTHLESS!) )

And you know by what in essence? Symbolically speaking: Sagittarius! The ones with the need to be ‘right’ :)

Religious and otherwise ‘ideologies’ (i.e. scientific ideologies, historical ideologies etc.) wre ‘lined up’ to ‘prove’ these views and then, based on these widely spread ‘ideologies’ the conditioning of the people of the colonising cultures ingrained these as ‘truths’. From there on the people built up their ‘overall worldview’ according to these conditioned ideas.

Capricorn is just the end result; within a certain social environment how children are raised by the adults will define the general ‘social mass’. And let’s just remember that every single indigenous society that were colonised went through the horrors of their children being taken – which is the most effective method to annihilate a culture. For the original human cultures were orally and experientially passed on between the generations. Taking a large number of their children basically means a death sentence of the thousands and thousands of years wisdom within the culture. It also traumatised the parents so much hat they could barely function and even if they had other children their PTSD was a ‘warranty’ for fundamental distortion from there onward. It also traumatised the children and robbed them from their heritage.

This is how Humanity had been distorted. Symbolically it has to do with Pluto, Scorpio and then the different ‘new beliefs’ distribution has to do with Sagittarius.

(it’s a different issue that all this was planned and implemented by ‘social engineering’ led by certain beings that were not human and aimed to control Earth and her Humanity – but that’s another conversation.)

The point here is that, when the fire in Sagittarius/Jupiter in their ‘quest’ to be ‘right’ misses out on integrating the experiential, direct perception- and connection-based knowledge and don’t extract the wisdom that comes out of that to embrace it within the Sag archetype; that’s when it will go ‘far out’ into some of the most ridiculous unfounded ‘ideologies’. In fact it is the symbol of Mercury via which we have a fundamental ongoing connection and daily interrelation with the whole of the living environment just as ‘is’. Once it is directed by the Sag archetype pre-conceived ‘ideas’ can be projected onto the experience.

Mercury (=Gemini/Virgo) can actually make us notice all the details and root us deep within the natural reality of Life. (=Nature, Mother Earth, the Universe).

Meanwhile ideologies are projected from the Sag ‘fire’; kind of ‘wanting to know the truth’ but if it is without being rooted in facts and in Life – it can go to very strange directions. Then all kinds of ‘explanations’ may be created to ‘prove’ the pre-conceived bias; according to the need of ‘being right’ .

So then these ideologies then perceived as fundamental truths’. One of the worse aspects of this is the tendency of the Sagittarian judgment. It comes out of its conviction of ‘being right’ – form there it comes that others must be ‘wrong’ then.

That’s why Sagittarius tends to look down on Mercury/Gemini/ Virgo. Why? Because ‘ideologies’ build a ‘paradigm’ and once a ‘Sagittarian paradigm’ is built it doesn’t like ‘details’ ‘questions’ and ‘facts – especially if some little details or facts happen to question one or another ‘corner stone’ of their cherished ‘paradigm’.

For example the ‘inquisition’ was a typical negative aspect of the Sagittarian archetype. Only ‘their truth’ is the ‘truth’. Priests, priestesses, teachers, lawmakers etc. at large belong to this archetype also so called ‘leaders’ – especially within the patriarchal period which was always ‘ideology’ based. .

Sadly, there is a completely misunderstood view within astrology that the distortion of our way of life today originates from the Capricorn/Saturn archetype. That’s one of the ‘corner stone’ of the EA ‘paradigm’ for example. Yet this archetype simply correlates to the existing overall society, their ways of life, culture etc – which developed by its ‘leaders’ (and controllers seen and unseen!) - at any given time, and of course the inherent conditioning process within the given society.

However, the underlying conditioning process is always based on the accepted underlying IDEOLOGIES and PARADIGMS (Sag) that were conditioned into the population from birth onward. In other words a ‘society’ simply reflects in its entirety in some ways what kind of underlying ‘guiding principles’ (ideologies) it is based upon and organised around socially.

Thus, what kind of real or false ‘truth-principles’ (Sagittarius) have been disseminated within the given population. Those ‘truth-principles’ then act as the base for everything else and it then solidifies as a socially shared experience within the population. In other words Capricorn/Saturn essentially is the OUTCOME of the previous sign, Sagittarius. Just like every single sign comes out of the one before.

(Continued below)

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What we can observe in the current distortion of our societies is the RESULT after many-many millennia being ‘fed’ and/or ‘force fed’ by certain ‘ideologies’ via the Sagittarian archetype – that were played out by those ‘leader figures’ that defined what is and what is not accepted as ‘truth’ and what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’ in the given society.

Of course this can be based on balanced natural truths or the very opposite of it. The resulting ‘society’ will reflect that.

For example the Indigenous communities let say in Australia before their colonisation were just as much symbolised by the Capricorn/Saturn archetype on a social level – as our societies in ‘civilisation’.

Yet one is a society that lived in complete harmony with each other, with nature and all beings including Mother and the Universe itself – the other one is completely distorted, upside down and highly alienated from nature.

Blaming the victim is another negative aspect of out of balance Sagittarian archetype. Blaming Capricorn is blaming the people for what had been done to them.

This is one example what I mean by the importance and value of the direct connection and communication (Mercury) with Nature and the whole of Life in a way that observes all the details and draws conclusions only once it is all double checked objectively without bias. Only if the Jupiter/Sagittarian ‘teachings’ of the ‘truths’ are balanced with the Mercury/Gemini/Virgo archetype can the RESULT be based on ‘natural truths’ – and not ideology.

For a simple observation can prove the fact that the conditioning process in the Indigenous cultures do not distort anything natural in them nor in their environment – right the opposite. It also teaches them to natural RESPONSIBILITY that they need to live by as a human being when they are adult - towards each other and everything around them with a deep love, appreciation, respect and honour with the knowledge and understanding that all is alive and conscious and all has the right to exist and have their needs met just as they are.

Which is actually the original Capricorn archetype, which can only exist in a society if the ‘truth principles’ upon which its overall social life, including child rearing (i.e. ‘conditioning’ process) is truly based on fundamental natural truths. Within natural societies the Sag archetype was the ‘story tellers’ the ‘shamans’, the ‘medicine’ woman or man etc. The distortion of the Sag archetype distorred the Capricorn archetype – and of course the Sag archetype was distorted by the Scorpio archetype – but that’s again different story.

The other fundamental mistake that for example EA makes is that – because the founder went too far out of balance via the fire driven Sagittarian bias – is the strange view that ‘logic’ (Mercury) can be built around just about anything.

Yet the opposite is the truth. Logic is based on objectivity; it is actually only ‘logic’ that can ever help the ‘overstepped’ Sagittarian ‘ideology’ ever come back to centre and balance.

For it is ‘ideology’ what can be built around ANYTHING at all indeed. Once it is accepted as ‘truth’ – that’s when no logic and facts able to point out the mistakes in the way of the biased thinking.

Mercury is ‘factual’. It observes objectively without pre-conceived ideas. It looks at actual reality of life just as is. Then based on the observations it finds out connections – that’s what ‘logic’ is. Logic is looking at things from every angle - and because it is unbiased it can figure out the mistakes within an ‘equation’ (ideology, paradigm) based on the simplest observational facts. It does not have a ‘belief’- and that’s why it is the only ‘tool’ that can ever help to realise our own – or other people’s - mistakes.

Via simple logic is how we can realise that we may have had ‘biases’ built into us, for we believed others that were confident and convinced (typical Sag attributes) and we thought they knew better. But when we logically analyse something and take it apart so to speak we can realise what we may missed before.

In fact it is Mercury –the very attribute of logic within us - via which we are able to question and double check anything – ourselves included! :)

The problem is that, those who fell under the ‘Sagittarian spell’ of being ‘right’ ventured into the ‘wrong side’ of the Sag archetype. It’s like and enchanted forest with no way back without Mercury: as the old saying goes ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’. I.e. strongly held ‘ideologies’ and a deep belief in ‘being right’ is unable to question oneself.

Meanwhile Mercury (Gemini/Virgo) is the balance point and the simplest, most natural, humble aspect of us via which we can rebalance ourselves, re-build our natural connection to Life, starting with our environment, everything in it not just the people, but ants, trees, worms, birds etc. etc. – and realise that we all (Humanity) had some ‘Sagittarian’ teachers, priests, leaders who were (or pretended) to be ‘right’ and fed us with false truths, false misunderstanding or deceptions.

Of course our conditioning process in our distorted societies were not based on natural truths – therefore we need to rediscover a lot of things for ourselves and ‘unlearn’ the conditioned beliefs /biases.

It is Mercury via which we can do that, like starting over from ‘ground zero’; what if nothing is true what I ever learned, what I was taught, told? This way we can start to get out of the convoluted ‘labyrinth’ where we find ourselves today - often confused, stressed and even scared at times for it is hard to understand what’s ‘going on’.

Mercury RX happens pretty often; I believe that every time it brings us an opportunity to internalise both of its archetypes -Gemini and Virgo – to go back to the simplest. Back to ourselves and back to nature, back to our own inherently independent ability to logically observe what is around us – leaving every ‘ideology’ and ‘paradigm’ alone and look at ourselves and Life as if we never seen it before.

Maybe we can throw away - at least during Mercury RX - all the conditioned ‘ideas’ and ‘ideologies’ that attempt to direct our thoughts in a particular way, instead just connect and interface with Life as it is, without any pre-conception. Then maybe just maybe Life will interface and connect back with us; and we may be surprised what we discover. Perhaps we may even realise something important about both, Life and our being.

Because Mercury is nothing else but the very ‘balancing agent’ of both, Sagittarius and Pisces alike. It’s the polarity of them both! Thus every false belief, every misunderstanding, illusion, delusion or ‘ideology’ based deception we have ever embraced has its balancing ‘medicine’ in nothing else but the little (often under valued or looked down on) Mercury symbolism.

Our own human ability to connect with Life and ‘make sense’ also to ‘think for ourselves’ - including questioning and double checking ourselves or realise other people’s or our own mistakes - is wherein the symbolism of Mercury (Gemini/Virgo). When it is retrograde the possibility to stop, fousing more and going deeper is heightened.

P.S. No coincidence perhaps that real Buddha – so not the religious version just the simple human being that he was –gained more wisdom by directly connecting with nature, sitting under a tree, observing the little details of the life of an ant colony, than all of the ‘ideologies’ and ‘paradigms’ that were just as much spared around in the human world then, as it is today.

Who knows, maybe that moment too was a Mercury RX?

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