Interesting line of thoughts. I'd like to add a bit: the kind of 'paradigm' that we are responsible for this and that and therefore we are on the 'bottom' of the evolutionary 'ladder' is a well planned consciousness 'programming' - to make Humanity believe indirectly (via these stories )that we are the 'last' in the Universe. The opposite is the truth:) Actually we are the first -- we are in this dense reality because we have chosen to go through what's called 'fractalisation'. Only the bravest volunteered to participate....and there are immense sabotage attempts. Maldek was not exploding for the said reasons. It was taken out during the wars in the Solar system.
Anyhow, CERN is very important indeed. They are trying to sabotge the fractalisation time-line and our evolutionary goal and purpose. I understand that some years ago (can even be a decade) CERN realised that this reality is actually diseminating on the subatomic level. It is - and evolving into another. It will become toxic for those beings who currently control Humanity. This is one of the reasons of the 'hurry' to control our species from the inside out now with different technological (nano-technology) 'interventions' - many of these are sold as 'vaccinations' of one kind or another also via environmental technological effects.
Yet, those of us who will stay with the organic Universe (Earthmother, Sunfather, Nature itself) will change and evolve with our Mother-planet. Some will experience this as the 'end' and will be recycled indeed while some will be 'harvested' by different entities who will appear to them as 'gods' and they will be taken (by some versions of space crafts) to other places.
I saw a video featuring the head of the double you eeee f that I wanted to share here but am having a hard time finding it now. Threats of forced "transhumanism." Very real
Interesting line of thoughts. I'd like to add a bit: the kind of 'paradigm' that we are responsible for this and that and therefore we are on the 'bottom' of the evolutionary 'ladder' is a well planned consciousness 'programming' - to make Humanity believe indirectly (via these stories )that we are the 'last' in the Universe. The opposite is the truth:) Actually we are the first -- we are in this dense reality because we have chosen to go through what's called 'fractalisation'. Only the bravest volunteered to participate....and there are immense sabotage attempts. Maldek was not exploding for the said reasons. It was taken out during the wars in the Solar system.
Anyhow, CERN is very important indeed. They are trying to sabotge the fractalisation time-line and our evolutionary goal and purpose. I understand that some years ago (can even be a decade) CERN realised that this reality is actually diseminating on the subatomic level. It is - and evolving into another. It will become toxic for those beings who currently control Humanity. This is one of the reasons of the 'hurry' to control our species from the inside out now with different technological (nano-technology) 'interventions' - many of these are sold as 'vaccinations' of one kind or another also via environmental technological effects.
Yet, those of us who will stay with the organic Universe (Earthmother, Sunfather, Nature itself) will change and evolve with our Mother-planet. Some will experience this as the 'end' and will be recycled indeed while some will be 'harvested' by different entities who will appear to them as 'gods' and they will be taken (by some versions of space crafts) to other places.
Well - at least that's how I see it:)
I saw a video featuring the head of the double you eeee f that I wanted to share here but am having a hard time finding it now. Threats of forced "transhumanism." Very real
This is not the video I had in mind but it talks about humanity splitting into two different species. Skip to the 4:40 mark
Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari
The Mandela Effect is pretty far out! For me, I'll go with "whatever happens is up to us and can have a positive outcome".
Thanks for the interesting article!
This is a piece about Chiron, The Wounded Healer, which covers the destruction of Maldek and the trauma it created.