Of course. The so called 'Aboriginals' - indigenous people of Australia - knew that for hundreds of thousands years. We have been progressively and purposefully 'dumbed down' and severed step by step from our roots - inluding all what is truly natural within and without.
But don't dispair: we agreed to all this on the Soul level. It's a 'test' so to speak trial; a long long journey through this Universe and we came here for experiencing internal division to such degree that is possible only here in this Universe - the Universe of light and dark. The 'sinewave' which goes out of centre one way - then it has to go the other way to balance it out. That's what called 'frequency'. In it's very depth - beyond the subatomic or 'quantum' field is the 'field of underlying intention' where we are in harmony and unity with all that exists in this Universe.
We have incredible creative and perceptive powers: the Aboriginals call the creative powers 'Dreaming' and the perceptive powers 'Connectedness'. If we were still raised naturally it would be as simple as breathing to know not just what other humans think, feel or want no matter how far they may be - but also what the land, the trees the animals etc. around us 'communicate' - it's a natural part of life and the original human life - which we are pretty far from today:) But we still have the 'essence' of it all deep inside even if it appears to be latent for the majority today.
Our overall experienced 'reality' had to be distorted in order to experience the other 'half' of the 'sinewave' in small and at large, individually and collectiviely.
But we are getting closer to 'homecoming' -- back to 'centre' so to speak, relative to the 'sinewave' --each one of us on our own unique way.
I totally agree. Life on Earth is desire driven. There is a collective desire, as well as individual desires, to experience all it has to offer and as you point out, that includes both the "good" and the "bad," or the "dark" and the "light." I love your sinewave analogy. So, what happens once we arrive back home at the "centre?" Do we stay put or do we eventually desire to do it all over again?
We first need to understand (innerstand:) ) that this Universe is just ONE - out of the infinite. Our sense of adventure brought us here -- and now we go through it all before we can exit.
Interestingly the most ancient Hungarian taltos (=shaman) traditon - which was banned and persecuted for over a thousand years and was almost annihilated completely - yet some secret 'underground' seed survived all this and just recently an old representative published a book on it (only in Hungarian) - that in essence talks about a very similar 'paradigm' at its core, than what George Kavassilas realised is the case, and talks about in his book and his presentations. So the absolutely secretly held most ancient and the most 'advanced recent' view points to similar...in very different old language and very different 'percepiton' and yet I 'happen' to have that language as my mother tounge and understand the 'old language' better than most - also 'happen' to be familiar with George's perspective --- so alas, I happened to find both and thus have some 'proof' in the most 'unexpected' fashion.
No wonder, I 'happen' to have Leo Uranus in the 8th house - opposite to Venus is Aq. in 2nd and Neptune squaring them both. from 11th from Scorpio. Haha :) talk about people projecting on to me and want to stifle me :) That's nothing compare to what happened in past (past-lives.)
Good point! Yes, our universe is only one of infinite universes. I was thinking about Edgar Cayce on Astrology (Edgar having been a major influence on my thinking/programming). saying that we make "planetary sojourns" and live "lives" on other planets which he referred to as those in our solar system. He pointed out that they are states on consciousness rather than physical experiences in the material plane. He said Earth is the only planet in this solar system, or maybe universe, in which we can experience physical life. I would have to brush up on it.
I was looking at George Kavassilas' YouTube channel again last night. Not as much there as I imagine is offered via his website which I did explore yesterday.
The "ancient Hungarian taltos (=shaman) traditon" sounds interesting. Maybe because it is the first I have heard of it. Something new! I am glad this discussion has led to new ideas to explore.
Of course. The so called 'Aboriginals' - indigenous people of Australia - knew that for hundreds of thousands years. We have been progressively and purposefully 'dumbed down' and severed step by step from our roots - inluding all what is truly natural within and without.
But don't dispair: we agreed to all this on the Soul level. It's a 'test' so to speak trial; a long long journey through this Universe and we came here for experiencing internal division to such degree that is possible only here in this Universe - the Universe of light and dark. The 'sinewave' which goes out of centre one way - then it has to go the other way to balance it out. That's what called 'frequency'. In it's very depth - beyond the subatomic or 'quantum' field is the 'field of underlying intention' where we are in harmony and unity with all that exists in this Universe.
We have incredible creative and perceptive powers: the Aboriginals call the creative powers 'Dreaming' and the perceptive powers 'Connectedness'. If we were still raised naturally it would be as simple as breathing to know not just what other humans think, feel or want no matter how far they may be - but also what the land, the trees the animals etc. around us 'communicate' - it's a natural part of life and the original human life - which we are pretty far from today:) But we still have the 'essence' of it all deep inside even if it appears to be latent for the majority today.
Our overall experienced 'reality' had to be distorted in order to experience the other 'half' of the 'sinewave' in small and at large, individually and collectiviely.
But we are getting closer to 'homecoming' -- back to 'centre' so to speak, relative to the 'sinewave' --each one of us on our own unique way.
I totally agree. Life on Earth is desire driven. There is a collective desire, as well as individual desires, to experience all it has to offer and as you point out, that includes both the "good" and the "bad," or the "dark" and the "light." I love your sinewave analogy. So, what happens once we arrive back home at the "centre?" Do we stay put or do we eventually desire to do it all over again?
We first need to understand (innerstand:) ) that this Universe is just ONE - out of the infinite. Our sense of adventure brought us here -- and now we go through it all before we can exit.
Probabaly you'd like to read George Kavassilas book 'Our Universal Journey'. You can have a look here: (nowhere else it is available) https://www.ourjourneyhome.earth/market-place
Interestingly the most ancient Hungarian taltos (=shaman) traditon - which was banned and persecuted for over a thousand years and was almost annihilated completely - yet some secret 'underground' seed survived all this and just recently an old representative published a book on it (only in Hungarian) - that in essence talks about a very similar 'paradigm' at its core, than what George Kavassilas realised is the case, and talks about in his book and his presentations. So the absolutely secretly held most ancient and the most 'advanced recent' view points to similar...in very different old language and very different 'percepiton' and yet I 'happen' to have that language as my mother tounge and understand the 'old language' better than most - also 'happen' to be familiar with George's perspective --- so alas, I happened to find both and thus have some 'proof' in the most 'unexpected' fashion.
No wonder, I 'happen' to have Leo Uranus in the 8th house - opposite to Venus is Aq. in 2nd and Neptune squaring them both. from 11th from Scorpio. Haha :) talk about people projecting on to me and want to stifle me :) That's nothing compare to what happened in past (past-lives.)
Good point! Yes, our universe is only one of infinite universes. I was thinking about Edgar Cayce on Astrology (Edgar having been a major influence on my thinking/programming). saying that we make "planetary sojourns" and live "lives" on other planets which he referred to as those in our solar system. He pointed out that they are states on consciousness rather than physical experiences in the material plane. He said Earth is the only planet in this solar system, or maybe universe, in which we can experience physical life. I would have to brush up on it.
I was looking at George Kavassilas' YouTube channel again last night. Not as much there as I imagine is offered via his website which I did explore yesterday.
The "ancient Hungarian taltos (=shaman) traditon" sounds interesting. Maybe because it is the first I have heard of it. Something new! I am glad this discussion has led to new ideas to explore.
I have Leo Uranus in the 9th so, need I say more?