Discover the transformative power of Chiron’s Grand Return in 2027. Learn how this celestial event, combined with powerful planetary alignments, offers a unique opportunity for collective healing and societal transformation.
Maybe we should start a series. Between us, we know a ton of astrologers. We can invite anyone who wants to contribute something further to do so. But who is going to play the part of Linda Jonson and organize it into a booklet????
I am thinking we can make a book on this topic which features articles by a diversity of astrologers. Kind of like the EA journal we dis a few years back, but as a text book rather than a graphic magazine. And focused on this return only.
Awesome! Thank you! This has me considering the south node of Uranus also… it’s in Sagittarius so the integration is considering our understanding and practices collectively around nature and natural cycles and how we if we are disconnected from understanding those collectively then we experience a fragmentation in consciousness which can only be reflected back to us in readers to the earth element.
I almost started a heading about natural law, though I knew it would make the article longer.
I have thought about this topic a great deal. One because the south note of Uranus is directly on my south node, and two because of Uranus heading into Gemini, relatively soon.
It surely will have our attention for a long time. And now Sedna’s influence too 🤩
With the nodes moving into Pisces and Virgo, it’s gonna act planetary nodes.
Oh yes , that’s right the nodes and coming eclipses in Virgo Pisces will activate that south node of Uranus. Very interesting! I will keep my eyes looking for that in the eclipse charts and when the nodes exactly square the south node of Uranus … lots to contemplate, exciting!
Alise, you have no idea how much we cut out of this article as it was really long, and we could have kept going. I was kidding Wendy, saying maybe it should be a book rather than an article. It very well could be! And now you have another idea that adds to the story! Wendy suggested we may want to write a part 2. I'm kind of needing a break from this topic right now, but if we do, maybe you would like to contribute. I love your input
Oh yes Catharine, I totally get it! I’ve had to cut out a lot in my writing lately as it’s all so much to process in one sitting (though it’s hard to cut stuff out because it’s so rich). Sure, would love to contribute if you would like.
Well, Wendy said she can put it all together if she has the time. That may be a pretty big "if." So, maybe we will do something. I would love for you to contribute if we do this, so start thinking about your potential topic. :-)
Maybe we should start a series. Between us, we know a ton of astrologers. We can invite anyone who wants to contribute something further to do so. But who is going to play the part of Linda Jonson and organize it into a booklet????
That sounds fun! Are you referring to the book that some of the EA astrologers each wrote a chapter in?
I am thinking we can make a book on this topic which features articles by a diversity of astrologers. Kind of like the EA journal we dis a few years back, but as a text book rather than a graphic magazine. And focused on this return only.
Awesome! Thank you! This has me considering the south node of Uranus also… it’s in Sagittarius so the integration is considering our understanding and practices collectively around nature and natural cycles and how we if we are disconnected from understanding those collectively then we experience a fragmentation in consciousness which can only be reflected back to us in readers to the earth element.
I almost started a heading about natural law, though I knew it would make the article longer.
I have thought about this topic a great deal. One because the south note of Uranus is directly on my south node, and two because of Uranus heading into Gemini, relatively soon.
It surely will have our attention for a long time. And now Sedna’s influence too 🤩
With the nodes moving into Pisces and Virgo, it’s gonna act planetary nodes.
Oh yes , that’s right the nodes and coming eclipses in Virgo Pisces will activate that south node of Uranus. Very interesting! I will keep my eyes looking for that in the eclipse charts and when the nodes exactly square the south node of Uranus … lots to contemplate, exciting!
Alise, you have no idea how much we cut out of this article as it was really long, and we could have kept going. I was kidding Wendy, saying maybe it should be a book rather than an article. It very well could be! And now you have another idea that adds to the story! Wendy suggested we may want to write a part 2. I'm kind of needing a break from this topic right now, but if we do, maybe you would like to contribute. I love your input
Oh yes Catharine, I totally get it! I’ve had to cut out a lot in my writing lately as it’s all so much to process in one sitting (though it’s hard to cut stuff out because it’s so rich). Sure, would love to contribute if you would like.
Well, Wendy said she can put it all together if she has the time. That may be a pretty big "if." So, maybe we will do something. I would love for you to contribute if we do this, so start thinking about your potential topic. :-)
Love that, will do! 😊
Typo … not readers … reflected in earth elements