Seems this subject really triggered something in me :)
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"We can now understand the root of all religions: “God created man in its own image.” We can now see how so many Souls use the language of God to justify that which they do..."
Hm.....what's funny to me is that, in essence this is what I realised JWG was/is doing - because of his 'absolute' conviction/ belief that he 'got it right'. I first noticed this many years ago when he used the term within his readings 'this or that is what God wants you to do'. My inner alarm bell went off; he was sailing to dangerous waters with this kind of 'interpretation'. People may believe him that it's somehow the voice of 'the Natural Creator' - yet what if he is mistaken? Complete conviction with such confidence that dismiss any self questioning andy 'double checking the facts'. I didn't know then if he is or not mistaken - all I knew this was over the top and was neither OK nor fair. It was only his own percepiton - wrong or right that's all it was. Attributing it as 'god will' or 'message' put things in a different package especially for those already wounded and vulnerable; they wouldn't follow their own intuiton if it was different than what he said. For my heart at least, that was neither respecting people's sovereign will nor honoring their intuiton. It's a covert 'impositon' coupled with a covert judgment: if they don't do as he suggested, they are 'wrong' and even more going against 'god's will'.
That to me sounded similar to what the priestly 'caste' have done to people for millenia - just in a different dress. As much as I respected and trusted him at the beginning - in time the 'question marks' in me about his underlying drive started to add up. But I was questioning myself deeply and trying to figure out if I may misunderstood something or 'got it wrong' and didn't want to jump to conclusions. So it took me a while: but eventually came to the sad conclusion that it is correct what I noticed - so it isn't me who is 'mistaken' about certain issues. It actually caused a deep inner disillusionment and spiritual crisis which lasted for a while. For after this I felt I have to question absolutely everything I ever believed before. And so I did.
That was my own period of 'soul-searching' and going through my own 'dark night'. But it was necessary - in hindsight I am grateful for it. I needed that inner 'crash' to really dive into myself and find my own path. So deep within me I have no doub I had a 'soul-agreement' with him fr beyond the human level: he actually successfully taught me the lesson of never again trust anyone more than my own Soul, listen to my feelings, my intuition and my inner 'alarm bell'; no matter how difficult it may be; I need to find my own answers for myself. So I am grateful for the wisdom I gained eventually after going through the experienceson the Earth plane with him.
I bless him with love and wholeheartedly wish that he learns his own lessons with the least possible pain and suffering according to his own Soul-plan.
By the way, In my personal view: one of Neptune's actual correlation is our own (individual and collective) multidimensional nature - which is not conscious until we start to awaken and start to remember and embrace all that we are,; all we have been, seen and done in this Universe in all dimensions and 'realities'. Giving all that power away to some sort of a 'god' entity is indeed a huge feast for that entity - and of course it would do anything it can to keep this energy-flow going.
One of the best method is to confuse and delude the emotional body and the 'ego' structure of humans who are prone to this kind of 'role' i.e. playing the role of the 'messenger of god' which enlarges their 'spiritual ego'.
I also can't help but point out: the original text he is quoting is 'elohim' not 'god'. "Elohim' is plural! Has nothing to do with 'god' . But it does point to one of the secrets in our 'actual history' : the 'elohim' say in the original text: 'Let's make the Hu-man in to OUR image.' (plural again) Perhaps it doesn't mean they 'made' humans - rather it points out the first (or not even the first) genetic alteration of the original Earth Hu-mans? Making them to 'their image' perhaps means altering them genetically.
The proof is just a few pages away in the same text still existing today: the sons of the 'elohim' were able to mate with the female of teh Hu-mans. And they liked it. For lets just think about it:
how exactly were the 'elohim' able to mate with some of Earth women? Perhaps the genetic alteration allowed that?
But there is further proof: hybrids were born out of this inter-race mating, called the 'titans'. Then things got messy and their 'off world' leaders didn't like that and forbade further inter-mating.
'Elohim' simply means 'from out there' or 'from the sky'.
Similar stories can be found in native American tribal legacies as well as some African etc.
(The most frequent story line that I know from these tribes is something like: 'sky people' or 'star people' impregnating tribal women, (usually in their sleep) and when the baby is born the tribe knows the child belongs to the 'sky people'; it's with the mother only for a few years and then he or she is taken by the 'sky people' usually around the age of 5- 6.)
So, what's happening today is justs the last chapter of the 'interference' with our genetic material.
But we have a 'wild card' - and that's Neptune again in my view. Our immunity is connected to our multidimensional nature; all the aspects of us that exist simultaneously in other dimensions, realities, realms etc - as unconscious as we may be about it it is part of us and while our human self and 'traveling spirit' can be fooled and entrapped our Soul cannot be which is projecting all these aspects from 'beyond' according to a 'soul-plan' - so when the deception or genetic etc. physical interference goes too far and attempts to cross the soul-plan it will be nullified in some ways via the multidimensional 'thread'. For example the current attack on Humnity as horrible as it is actually it isn't as 'successful' as it was planned. Many aren't affected despite all the 'effort'; those who aren't supposed to die or be maimed from the jabs etc. will either not be affected or recover no matter how deluded they may have been on the human level and allowed themselves to be jabbed perhaps multiply times. I personlly happen to know some who experienced this: they recovered from very dire states. Now their human consciousness went through enourmous transformation and see the 'events' in a very different light than before. I can only assume the experience was a vital part of their 'awakening' process. Neptune works in 'mysterious' ways indeed - but in my view that has to do with our own incredible multidimensional Being, - not the entity mascarading in the 4th dimension as 'god'.
But I do respect that being too: on a higher level it is actually the best 'personal trainer' you see. How can we ever learn to see through convoluted spiritual deceptions, emotional and psychological mind-control programs, how can we stop being naive and ignorant unless we are trained really well in that area?
"That was my own period of 'soul-searching' and going through my own 'dark night'. But it was necessary - in hindsight I am grateful for it. I needed that inner 'crash' to really dive into myself and find my own path. So deep within me I have no doubt I had a 'soul-agreement' with him fr beyond the human level: he actually successfully taught me the lesson of never again trust anyone more than my own Soul, listen to my feelings, my intuition and my inner 'alarm bell'; no matter how difficult it may be; I need to find my own answers for myself. So I am grateful for the wisdom I gained eventually after going through the experiences on the Earth plane with him."
"But there is further proof: hybrids were born out of this inter-race mating, called the 'titans'. Then things got messy and their 'off world' leaders didn't like that and forbade further inter-mating."
Funny you should mention this as I was sitting here thinking about Fallen Angels and then I came back here and read this. Some Mental Radio energy perhaps?
Let's just clarify 'elohim' is a plural word in Hebrew. The singular sounds like 'eloah' - and of course it is nothing else but the root of the Muslim religion 'Allah' word for ‘god’ : )
But it doesn't matter if the name (and the belief) is ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ or 'Shiva' or 'Krishna' or whatever else -- it all goes to the same 'place' and to the same being:)
The moment when humans attribute anything or everything that happens in their life and around them to 'a being' outside of themselves they project incredible energies towards that being - and it consumes it happily :)
Every spiritual 'practice' 'belief system' or 'philosophy' etc. that supposes 'one god' on the 'top' and involves worship, prayer, giving praise, giving 'thanks' etc. also when (symbolically or literally) offering sacrifice all of them with no exception feeds the 'god matrix' = the synthetic light based matrix - and within it the ‘chief' i.e. the 'god of gods' --- for many-many millennia.
The ancient Hungarian Taltos (=shaman) book says it in a very simple down to Earth way:
"These false beings mascaraing now as the new 'gods' are deeply sick and distorted; no wonder their priesthood exhibits the very same. True creator beings do not need and CANNOT STAND worship and praise. Just like a true leader in a human community would never allow anyone to call him (or her) 'lord' and they do not like flattery, rather despise it. They are strong straight and demand absolute honesty - that's what they value. Only vain, jealous inwardly weak and insecure people live on flattery and need constant praise - and only they persecute those who do not agree with them. The same is the case - even more! - in the 'higher realms' Keep away from these and their lying power-hungry priests! Their ‘god’ is a sickly imposter."
This was written at the time when 'christianity' started to spread in Hungary and it was spread by force and such level of brutality that despite the many attempts to ‘wash it out’ of history proofs still remained: anyone caught practicing the old ways were publicly flogged and left there for days; more often than not the person died. Others were cut in four and their parts were put on high posts towards the four directions to remain there as a warning for everyone else that this is the punishment for disobedience by the 'new god'.
A graphic demonstration how this so called 'god ol love' actually operates.....
And similar were implemented in different versions for different ‘religions’ all over the ‘civilised’ world on our planet throughout the ages --
I am sorry to say but one of the greatest delusion to me is to call this worldwide imposition as ‘man-made religions’ -- it was and still is the very opposite of ‘man-made’.
One of the most well-known versions of it in the west is of course the Judaeo-Christian version and they all - in one way or another - refer to the texts called today ‘the bible’. All we need to do is read the ‘kings james’ version - which is already heavily edited but the current versions are even more twisted and altered. It doesn’t just talk about the genetic manipulation and the inter-breeding; a bit further there is still evidence that the whole idea of ‘creating’ the human race is a BS. According to currently held beliefs Eve and Adam were the first – and only. They had two sons, one called Kain (or Kane) right away killed his brother Abel and then when the arsehole (pardon me the so called ‘god’) who induced all this talked with the poor, guilt stricken hybrid the following conversation can be read even today in the so called ‘bible’ : Kain is sent out of the ‘garden’ (perhaps an isolated lab-like area where the genetic experience took place?) and he is scared that others may kill him. Then the so called ‘god’ didn’t laugh – for it would if these three were the only humans on the whole planet, would he? – instead he promises that he will protect Kain and will create a ‘mark’ on him so no one would be able to kill him. Hmm…who could those be that Kain was so afraid of and obviously existed outside of the so called ‘garden’. Interesting to note:).
Then a bit later on we can read something about a town where Kain went. Just a tiny Virgo detail question: who the heck lived in that town? How could be any town when the very first human were supposedly just created? And then: who exactly was the wife of Kain? For he had a wife and had children and then a long line of descendants about which we can read in that same book. Also we can read that the ‘first’ couple had another son Seth – and he too had a long list of descendants so once gain wo exactly was his wife?
And on and on – very loud proves all over the ‘bible’ that the whole story is actually about something very different than it is ‘fed’ to people. Even after the most heavy editions it still clearly describes one (out of the many) extra-terrestrial invasions along with the fear and deception based organised occupation of planet Earth and her Humanity – along with the repeated genetic alterations and experiments/ different kind of interferences with our original Hu-man genome.
I didn't wish to go into the 'collective unconscious' etc. - I don't exactly agree with the terms. Nor do I agree with JWG - he completely misses the fact that Neptune s.node in Aq correlates to the traumas of the 'invasion' from 'outer space' - -- there is a lot to this subject.
We didn't start 'agriculture' out of our own will. It was actually the first step of breaking Universal Lore. (not law - that's the word of the 'gods' - lore is the Indigenous word to differentiate between the false laws of civilisation and the original lores of Nature and the Universe.)
Enslaving another living being was completely alien from natural Earth Humans. It means forcing our will onto them, telling them where and how to grow;; it's a complete violation. When we were lured this way - i.e. farming other livng beings either plants or animals - it actually means not allowing them to be how their own Soul, spirit and consciousness wants to be.
So the moment Humanity was forced and deceived to do this it meant they had to CHANGE their original belief system -- when they saw and perceived Earthmother and her Nature as divine and they communed wiwth it all. They asked for what they need and they were given -freely out of unconditional love. And now they all of a sudden 'gained' the right to force their will onto their spiritual brothers and sisters? Can you not see what this means?
The greates spiritual decepiton and domination begun --
Farming is assuming some sort of a 'right' to dominate and control other beings. Period.
This was the base of the greatest distortions which is culminating now -- the moment we participated in 'farming' others we automatically given 'permission' for the same to be done on to us.
So indeed, we hve been 'farmed' for a long long time - many many beings use our energy and literally 'harvest' and 'feed' on us. Far not just the Earth layer 'controllers' .
The 'g.o.d.' letters of course coincide with this -- the false 'gods' and then the 'god of the gods' are the very ones that invded us, forced and deceived us in endless ways, shaped our social and spiritual strucdtures for eons of time; with the help of their 'minions' (annunaki is one chapter atlantis is another etc. etc.) plus their 'lower' helpers or 'employees' that are the earth level 'controllers'.
Neptune n.node is Leo is the 'homecoming' symbol to me: when we realise and embrace once again that WE are the most powerful creator beings. Those others manipulate and stir us in order to use our creative powers to create the kind of reality that they want. Question is how long do we allow this and how and when do we 'remember' who we actually are.
We just needed to experience the opposite of everything - and volunteered to take on the 'veils of amnesia'. There are efforts to keep us under this veil -- it's up to us to individually and collectively awaken ourselves integrate all that we are and take back our powers with the enriched wisdom that we gained on the journey.
We too played all the roles that this Universe has to offer- thus at the end there are no victims. We allowed the distortion we allowed the invasion, we allowed what's going on right now: its a 'fuel' that in the bigger picture 'fastens' our evolution and awakening.
Having said that I'd also like to add: every 'trial' is real only if it has a possibility of failing.
What if the greatest 'misunderstanding' (or deception) is nothing else but the concept of the one single 'source' of the so called 'all'?
What if 'we' were not 'created'? What if we ourselves 'created' ourselves in order to participate in something?
What if we co-created all that we experience - what if we, on a higher level laid down the 'map' and the 'intentions' and then we 'play it out' on the human level - as best as we can?
A few thoughts to add:
Neptune is only one 'aspect' of the Piscean archetype: the other is Jupiter.
Pluto is one aspect of the Scorpio archetype; the other is Mars.
Also, indeed astrology is actually based on 6 polarity axis or 'archetypal pairs'; the usual perception of the 12 signs is the 'extremes' in two directions symbolised by the ‘archetypes’ within the 6 axis. Behind the '12 signs' lies the ongoing interrelation of every given axis: the two extremes are the max point of the 'sine wave' expressed in that particular way.
Therefore, I for one do not think we can ever fully comprehend Pisces without Virgo for example. Nor Neptune (and Jupiter) without Mercury.
Pisces is the archetype that can be in a very short way exemplified by the old saying: 'As above so below'. Indeed. But have you ever realised that if this is true the opposite also MUST be true: 'As below so above'.
Meaning we don't necessarily have to go 'out there' (or accept what we are told by some so called ‘divine messenger’ as how exactly it is 'above' and on that base how we 'should' be down 'below' here) instead we may simply objectively observe how it is really right 'below here' - which will give us the essence of how it is 'above' as well.
For example the truly Indigenous people in Australia - and everywhere else once upon a time - lived in complete connectedness (and communication) with everything around them 'below here'; and alas they had a pretty good idea how it is 'above' and in the 'bigger picture'.
One of the proofs - to me - is that their 'song-line' which is a continuous 'creation story' via which every tribe connected across the whole continent – so this ‘song-line’ amongst other things, has a chronological order of the creation of the different landscapes of Australia. A recent geological documentary admitted - in awe and wonder - that they cannot explain how it is possible but in fact modern science happen to prove the exact SAME chronological order of the different land-formations of Australia. Of course we talk about ‘geological ages’ that are measured with hundreds of millions and billions of years.
To me Pisces is a vast ‘labyrinth’ to get lost in, get confused, deluded and deceived while trying to ‘embrace’ it all - with no exit sign without Virgo. Virgo is a small prison binding down by facts and details and never ending ‘improvement’ efforts going around in circles - with no exit sign without Pisces. Between the two is the’ middle point’ where we can pull both extremes back and embrace the wisdom that comes from both experiences and balance each other.
The ‘middle point’ is also expressed as the ‘golden mean’ – interestingly when we project two ‘golden mean’ mirroring each other we will have the shape of the ‘heart’.
Thus Pisces is just one half of the ‘heart’ – and so is Virgo; but together they (and every astrological pair) points to the same: at the end it is our own heart and soul essence that is behind it all – that’s what we can find or rather say ‘re-discover’ after the long-long journey in this Universe.
The wisdom we gain here about ourselves - through the most extreme contrasting expressions - is one of a kind.
(Was trying to paste here the 'golden mean' shape - but this page doesn't let me)
I love this. A lot of new ideas to ponder upon. What stands out at me at this moment is this:
"What if 'we' were not 'created'? What if we ourselves 'created' ourselves in order to participate in something? What if we co-created all that we experience - what if we, on a higher level laid down the 'map' and the 'intentions' and then we 'play it out' on the human level - as best as we can?"
In my view, we are all simply parts of the "all" which would mean whenever the "all" came into being, we came into being. It happened all at once, if it happened at all. And yes, we are co-creators and do create our own reality as well as the collective reality. Now, does this just happen naturally as we go along, or did we collectively lay down a "map" and "intentions" and are playing it out? I am inclined to believe that we each created a plan for this life before incarnating. The birth chart being the "program" so to speak. Each individual "program" being a sub-routine of the master plan.
That is my first thought. I have to keep re-reading your posts as there is a lot to consider here! Thank you for posting. I enjoy reading what you have to offer
Then you would enjoy being part of the 'Our Journey Home' community:) Explore it a bit and when you have time read the book:)
I agree with you the chart 'contains' the 'soul-plan' - and yes it is a co-creation at the same tme 'fitting' in with many other Beings planning. But we are sovereign - once we realise it.
This is interesting, one of those synchronicity things. A friend gave me a book titled "Looking Back in Time," by Gene Brown. I decided to pick it up and do a little reading. Check this out, on the page before the Table of Contents are three quotes from Genesis - New Living Translation
"Then God said, 'Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us...'" Genesis 1:26
"Then the Lord God said, 'Look, the human beings have become like us..." Genesis 3:22
"The goal of any Bible translation is to convey the meaning of the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts as accurately as possible to the modern reader. The New Living Translation is based on the most recent scholarship in the theory of translation. The challenge for the translators was to create a text that would make the same impact in the life of modern readers that the original text had for the original readers. In the New Living Translation, this is accomplished by translating entire thoughts (rather than just words) into natural, everyday English. The end result is a translation that is easy to read and understand and that accurately communicates the meaning of the original text."
Then here I go with the 3rd comment haha!
Seems this subject really triggered something in me :)
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"We can now understand the root of all religions: “God created man in its own image.” We can now see how so many Souls use the language of God to justify that which they do..."
Hm.....what's funny to me is that, in essence this is what I realised JWG was/is doing - because of his 'absolute' conviction/ belief that he 'got it right'. I first noticed this many years ago when he used the term within his readings 'this or that is what God wants you to do'. My inner alarm bell went off; he was sailing to dangerous waters with this kind of 'interpretation'. People may believe him that it's somehow the voice of 'the Natural Creator' - yet what if he is mistaken? Complete conviction with such confidence that dismiss any self questioning andy 'double checking the facts'. I didn't know then if he is or not mistaken - all I knew this was over the top and was neither OK nor fair. It was only his own percepiton - wrong or right that's all it was. Attributing it as 'god will' or 'message' put things in a different package especially for those already wounded and vulnerable; they wouldn't follow their own intuiton if it was different than what he said. For my heart at least, that was neither respecting people's sovereign will nor honoring their intuiton. It's a covert 'impositon' coupled with a covert judgment: if they don't do as he suggested, they are 'wrong' and even more going against 'god's will'.
That to me sounded similar to what the priestly 'caste' have done to people for millenia - just in a different dress. As much as I respected and trusted him at the beginning - in time the 'question marks' in me about his underlying drive started to add up. But I was questioning myself deeply and trying to figure out if I may misunderstood something or 'got it wrong' and didn't want to jump to conclusions. So it took me a while: but eventually came to the sad conclusion that it is correct what I noticed - so it isn't me who is 'mistaken' about certain issues. It actually caused a deep inner disillusionment and spiritual crisis which lasted for a while. For after this I felt I have to question absolutely everything I ever believed before. And so I did.
That was my own period of 'soul-searching' and going through my own 'dark night'. But it was necessary - in hindsight I am grateful for it. I needed that inner 'crash' to really dive into myself and find my own path. So deep within me I have no doub I had a 'soul-agreement' with him fr beyond the human level: he actually successfully taught me the lesson of never again trust anyone more than my own Soul, listen to my feelings, my intuition and my inner 'alarm bell'; no matter how difficult it may be; I need to find my own answers for myself. So I am grateful for the wisdom I gained eventually after going through the experienceson the Earth plane with him.
I bless him with love and wholeheartedly wish that he learns his own lessons with the least possible pain and suffering according to his own Soul-plan.
By the way, In my personal view: one of Neptune's actual correlation is our own (individual and collective) multidimensional nature - which is not conscious until we start to awaken and start to remember and embrace all that we are,; all we have been, seen and done in this Universe in all dimensions and 'realities'. Giving all that power away to some sort of a 'god' entity is indeed a huge feast for that entity - and of course it would do anything it can to keep this energy-flow going.
One of the best method is to confuse and delude the emotional body and the 'ego' structure of humans who are prone to this kind of 'role' i.e. playing the role of the 'messenger of god' which enlarges their 'spiritual ego'.
I also can't help but point out: the original text he is quoting is 'elohim' not 'god'. "Elohim' is plural! Has nothing to do with 'god' . But it does point to one of the secrets in our 'actual history' : the 'elohim' say in the original text: 'Let's make the Hu-man in to OUR image.' (plural again) Perhaps it doesn't mean they 'made' humans - rather it points out the first (or not even the first) genetic alteration of the original Earth Hu-mans? Making them to 'their image' perhaps means altering them genetically.
The proof is just a few pages away in the same text still existing today: the sons of the 'elohim' were able to mate with the female of teh Hu-mans. And they liked it. For lets just think about it:
how exactly were the 'elohim' able to mate with some of Earth women? Perhaps the genetic alteration allowed that?
But there is further proof: hybrids were born out of this inter-race mating, called the 'titans'. Then things got messy and their 'off world' leaders didn't like that and forbade further inter-mating.
'Elohim' simply means 'from out there' or 'from the sky'.
Similar stories can be found in native American tribal legacies as well as some African etc.
(The most frequent story line that I know from these tribes is something like: 'sky people' or 'star people' impregnating tribal women, (usually in their sleep) and when the baby is born the tribe knows the child belongs to the 'sky people'; it's with the mother only for a few years and then he or she is taken by the 'sky people' usually around the age of 5- 6.)
So, what's happening today is justs the last chapter of the 'interference' with our genetic material.
But we have a 'wild card' - and that's Neptune again in my view. Our immunity is connected to our multidimensional nature; all the aspects of us that exist simultaneously in other dimensions, realities, realms etc - as unconscious as we may be about it it is part of us and while our human self and 'traveling spirit' can be fooled and entrapped our Soul cannot be which is projecting all these aspects from 'beyond' according to a 'soul-plan' - so when the deception or genetic etc. physical interference goes too far and attempts to cross the soul-plan it will be nullified in some ways via the multidimensional 'thread'. For example the current attack on Humnity as horrible as it is actually it isn't as 'successful' as it was planned. Many aren't affected despite all the 'effort'; those who aren't supposed to die or be maimed from the jabs etc. will either not be affected or recover no matter how deluded they may have been on the human level and allowed themselves to be jabbed perhaps multiply times. I personlly happen to know some who experienced this: they recovered from very dire states. Now their human consciousness went through enourmous transformation and see the 'events' in a very different light than before. I can only assume the experience was a vital part of their 'awakening' process. Neptune works in 'mysterious' ways indeed - but in my view that has to do with our own incredible multidimensional Being, - not the entity mascarading in the 4th dimension as 'god'.
But I do respect that being too: on a higher level it is actually the best 'personal trainer' you see. How can we ever learn to see through convoluted spiritual deceptions, emotional and psychological mind-control programs, how can we stop being naive and ignorant unless we are trained really well in that area?
"That was my own period of 'soul-searching' and going through my own 'dark night'. But it was necessary - in hindsight I am grateful for it. I needed that inner 'crash' to really dive into myself and find my own path. So deep within me I have no doubt I had a 'soul-agreement' with him fr beyond the human level: he actually successfully taught me the lesson of never again trust anyone more than my own Soul, listen to my feelings, my intuition and my inner 'alarm bell'; no matter how difficult it may be; I need to find my own answers for myself. So I am grateful for the wisdom I gained eventually after going through the experiences on the Earth plane with him."
A significant moment in time for sure.
"But there is further proof: hybrids were born out of this inter-race mating, called the 'titans'. Then things got messy and their 'off world' leaders didn't like that and forbade further inter-mating."
Funny you should mention this as I was sitting here thinking about Fallen Angels and then I came back here and read this. Some Mental Radio energy perhaps?
A few months ago, maybe a year, YouTube recommend a video by Dr. Michael Heiser and it was about "elohim"
Let's just clarify 'elohim' is a plural word in Hebrew. The singular sounds like 'eloah' - and of course it is nothing else but the root of the Muslim religion 'Allah' word for ‘god’ : )
But it doesn't matter if the name (and the belief) is ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ or 'Shiva' or 'Krishna' or whatever else -- it all goes to the same 'place' and to the same being:)
The moment when humans attribute anything or everything that happens in their life and around them to 'a being' outside of themselves they project incredible energies towards that being - and it consumes it happily :)
Every spiritual 'practice' 'belief system' or 'philosophy' etc. that supposes 'one god' on the 'top' and involves worship, prayer, giving praise, giving 'thanks' etc. also when (symbolically or literally) offering sacrifice all of them with no exception feeds the 'god matrix' = the synthetic light based matrix - and within it the ‘chief' i.e. the 'god of gods' --- for many-many millennia.
The ancient Hungarian Taltos (=shaman) book says it in a very simple down to Earth way:
"These false beings mascaraing now as the new 'gods' are deeply sick and distorted; no wonder their priesthood exhibits the very same. True creator beings do not need and CANNOT STAND worship and praise. Just like a true leader in a human community would never allow anyone to call him (or her) 'lord' and they do not like flattery, rather despise it. They are strong straight and demand absolute honesty - that's what they value. Only vain, jealous inwardly weak and insecure people live on flattery and need constant praise - and only they persecute those who do not agree with them. The same is the case - even more! - in the 'higher realms' Keep away from these and their lying power-hungry priests! Their ‘god’ is a sickly imposter."
This was written at the time when 'christianity' started to spread in Hungary and it was spread by force and such level of brutality that despite the many attempts to ‘wash it out’ of history proofs still remained: anyone caught practicing the old ways were publicly flogged and left there for days; more often than not the person died. Others were cut in four and their parts were put on high posts towards the four directions to remain there as a warning for everyone else that this is the punishment for disobedience by the 'new god'.
A graphic demonstration how this so called 'god ol love' actually operates.....
And similar were implemented in different versions for different ‘religions’ all over the ‘civilised’ world on our planet throughout the ages --
I am sorry to say but one of the greatest delusion to me is to call this worldwide imposition as ‘man-made religions’ -- it was and still is the very opposite of ‘man-made’.
One of the most well-known versions of it in the west is of course the Judaeo-Christian version and they all - in one way or another - refer to the texts called today ‘the bible’. All we need to do is read the ‘kings james’ version - which is already heavily edited but the current versions are even more twisted and altered. It doesn’t just talk about the genetic manipulation and the inter-breeding; a bit further there is still evidence that the whole idea of ‘creating’ the human race is a BS. According to currently held beliefs Eve and Adam were the first – and only. They had two sons, one called Kain (or Kane) right away killed his brother Abel and then when the arsehole (pardon me the so called ‘god’) who induced all this talked with the poor, guilt stricken hybrid the following conversation can be read even today in the so called ‘bible’ : Kain is sent out of the ‘garden’ (perhaps an isolated lab-like area where the genetic experience took place?) and he is scared that others may kill him. Then the so called ‘god’ didn’t laugh – for it would if these three were the only humans on the whole planet, would he? – instead he promises that he will protect Kain and will create a ‘mark’ on him so no one would be able to kill him. Hmm…who could those be that Kain was so afraid of and obviously existed outside of the so called ‘garden’. Interesting to note:).
Then a bit later on we can read something about a town where Kain went. Just a tiny Virgo detail question: who the heck lived in that town? How could be any town when the very first human were supposedly just created? And then: who exactly was the wife of Kain? For he had a wife and had children and then a long line of descendants about which we can read in that same book. Also we can read that the ‘first’ couple had another son Seth – and he too had a long list of descendants so once gain wo exactly was his wife?
And on and on – very loud proves all over the ‘bible’ that the whole story is actually about something very different than it is ‘fed’ to people. Even after the most heavy editions it still clearly describes one (out of the many) extra-terrestrial invasions along with the fear and deception based organised occupation of planet Earth and her Humanity – along with the repeated genetic alterations and experiments/ different kind of interferences with our original Hu-man genome.
I didn't wish to go into the 'collective unconscious' etc. - I don't exactly agree with the terms. Nor do I agree with JWG - he completely misses the fact that Neptune s.node in Aq correlates to the traumas of the 'invasion' from 'outer space' - -- there is a lot to this subject.
We didn't start 'agriculture' out of our own will. It was actually the first step of breaking Universal Lore. (not law - that's the word of the 'gods' - lore is the Indigenous word to differentiate between the false laws of civilisation and the original lores of Nature and the Universe.)
Enslaving another living being was completely alien from natural Earth Humans. It means forcing our will onto them, telling them where and how to grow;; it's a complete violation. When we were lured this way - i.e. farming other livng beings either plants or animals - it actually means not allowing them to be how their own Soul, spirit and consciousness wants to be.
So the moment Humanity was forced and deceived to do this it meant they had to CHANGE their original belief system -- when they saw and perceived Earthmother and her Nature as divine and they communed wiwth it all. They asked for what they need and they were given -freely out of unconditional love. And now they all of a sudden 'gained' the right to force their will onto their spiritual brothers and sisters? Can you not see what this means?
The greates spiritual decepiton and domination begun --
Farming is assuming some sort of a 'right' to dominate and control other beings. Period.
This was the base of the greatest distortions which is culminating now -- the moment we participated in 'farming' others we automatically given 'permission' for the same to be done on to us.
So indeed, we hve been 'farmed' for a long long time - many many beings use our energy and literally 'harvest' and 'feed' on us. Far not just the Earth layer 'controllers' .
The 'g.o.d.' letters of course coincide with this -- the false 'gods' and then the 'god of the gods' are the very ones that invded us, forced and deceived us in endless ways, shaped our social and spiritual strucdtures for eons of time; with the help of their 'minions' (annunaki is one chapter atlantis is another etc. etc.) plus their 'lower' helpers or 'employees' that are the earth level 'controllers'.
Neptune n.node is Leo is the 'homecoming' symbol to me: when we realise and embrace once again that WE are the most powerful creator beings. Those others manipulate and stir us in order to use our creative powers to create the kind of reality that they want. Question is how long do we allow this and how and when do we 'remember' who we actually are.
We just needed to experience the opposite of everything - and volunteered to take on the 'veils of amnesia'. There are efforts to keep us under this veil -- it's up to us to individually and collectively awaken ourselves integrate all that we are and take back our powers with the enriched wisdom that we gained on the journey.
We too played all the roles that this Universe has to offer- thus at the end there are no victims. We allowed the distortion we allowed the invasion, we allowed what's going on right now: its a 'fuel' that in the bigger picture 'fastens' our evolution and awakening.
Having said that I'd also like to add: every 'trial' is real only if it has a possibility of failing.
What if the greatest 'misunderstanding' (or deception) is nothing else but the concept of the one single 'source' of the so called 'all'?
What if 'we' were not 'created'? What if we ourselves 'created' ourselves in order to participate in something?
What if we co-created all that we experience - what if we, on a higher level laid down the 'map' and the 'intentions' and then we 'play it out' on the human level - as best as we can?
A few thoughts to add:
Neptune is only one 'aspect' of the Piscean archetype: the other is Jupiter.
Pluto is one aspect of the Scorpio archetype; the other is Mars.
Also, indeed astrology is actually based on 6 polarity axis or 'archetypal pairs'; the usual perception of the 12 signs is the 'extremes' in two directions symbolised by the ‘archetypes’ within the 6 axis. Behind the '12 signs' lies the ongoing interrelation of every given axis: the two extremes are the max point of the 'sine wave' expressed in that particular way.
Therefore, I for one do not think we can ever fully comprehend Pisces without Virgo for example. Nor Neptune (and Jupiter) without Mercury.
Pisces is the archetype that can be in a very short way exemplified by the old saying: 'As above so below'. Indeed. But have you ever realised that if this is true the opposite also MUST be true: 'As below so above'.
Meaning we don't necessarily have to go 'out there' (or accept what we are told by some so called ‘divine messenger’ as how exactly it is 'above' and on that base how we 'should' be down 'below' here) instead we may simply objectively observe how it is really right 'below here' - which will give us the essence of how it is 'above' as well.
For example the truly Indigenous people in Australia - and everywhere else once upon a time - lived in complete connectedness (and communication) with everything around them 'below here'; and alas they had a pretty good idea how it is 'above' and in the 'bigger picture'.
One of the proofs - to me - is that their 'song-line' which is a continuous 'creation story' via which every tribe connected across the whole continent – so this ‘song-line’ amongst other things, has a chronological order of the creation of the different landscapes of Australia. A recent geological documentary admitted - in awe and wonder - that they cannot explain how it is possible but in fact modern science happen to prove the exact SAME chronological order of the different land-formations of Australia. Of course we talk about ‘geological ages’ that are measured with hundreds of millions and billions of years.
To me Pisces is a vast ‘labyrinth’ to get lost in, get confused, deluded and deceived while trying to ‘embrace’ it all - with no exit sign without Virgo. Virgo is a small prison binding down by facts and details and never ending ‘improvement’ efforts going around in circles - with no exit sign without Pisces. Between the two is the’ middle point’ where we can pull both extremes back and embrace the wisdom that comes from both experiences and balance each other.
The ‘middle point’ is also expressed as the ‘golden mean’ – interestingly when we project two ‘golden mean’ mirroring each other we will have the shape of the ‘heart’.
Thus Pisces is just one half of the ‘heart’ – and so is Virgo; but together they (and every astrological pair) points to the same: at the end it is our own heart and soul essence that is behind it all – that’s what we can find or rather say ‘re-discover’ after the long-long journey in this Universe.
The wisdom we gain here about ourselves - through the most extreme contrasting expressions - is one of a kind.
(Was trying to paste here the 'golden mean' shape - but this page doesn't let me)
I love this. A lot of new ideas to ponder upon. What stands out at me at this moment is this:
"What if 'we' were not 'created'? What if we ourselves 'created' ourselves in order to participate in something? What if we co-created all that we experience - what if we, on a higher level laid down the 'map' and the 'intentions' and then we 'play it out' on the human level - as best as we can?"
In my view, we are all simply parts of the "all" which would mean whenever the "all" came into being, we came into being. It happened all at once, if it happened at all. And yes, we are co-creators and do create our own reality as well as the collective reality. Now, does this just happen naturally as we go along, or did we collectively lay down a "map" and "intentions" and are playing it out? I am inclined to believe that we each created a plan for this life before incarnating. The birth chart being the "program" so to speak. Each individual "program" being a sub-routine of the master plan.
That is my first thought. I have to keep re-reading your posts as there is a lot to consider here! Thank you for posting. I enjoy reading what you have to offer
Then you would enjoy being part of the 'Our Journey Home' community:) Explore it a bit and when you have time read the book:)
I agree with you the chart 'contains' the 'soul-plan' - and yes it is a co-creation at the same tme 'fitting' in with many other Beings planning. But we are sovereign - once we realise it.
This is interesting, one of those synchronicity things. A friend gave me a book titled "Looking Back in Time," by Gene Brown. I decided to pick it up and do a little reading. Check this out, on the page before the Table of Contents are three quotes from Genesis - New Living Translation
"Then God said, 'Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us...'" Genesis 1:26
"Then the Lord God said, 'Look, the human beings have become like us..." Genesis 3:22
So, what is this New Living Translation?
"The goal of any Bible translation is to convey the meaning of the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts as accurately as possible to the modern reader. The New Living Translation is based on the most recent scholarship in the theory of translation. The challenge for the translators was to create a text that would make the same impact in the life of modern readers that the original text had for the original readers. In the New Living Translation, this is accomplished by translating entire thoughts (rather than just words) into natural, everyday English. The end result is a translation that is easy to read and understand and that accurately communicates the meaning of the original text."