Discover the captivating tale of Paul, a modern-day seeker yearning for spiritual enlightenment. Through a mystical dream, he is transported back to medieval Europe, where he encounters the Cathars, a persecuted group with profound wisdom. Join Paul on his transformative journey as he uncovers hidden truths, confronts challenges, and finds his place in the grand design of the universe.
Catholicism finally issued an official apology a few years ago. Some were hopeful that this could lead to some form of healing, yet soon after christianity hardened its position.
Today christians claim they were justified in their genocide, not unlike the situation with Palestine.
They scoff at their crimes, refusing to see deeper into the spiritual condition.
There are those, who whatever anyone says, remember the Cathari in dream and vision.
Some are calling for the release of the Ministry of the Magdalene.
Thank you for the very interesting comment. It is no surprise that anyone claims this genocide was justified, as is currently happening in relation to Palestine. History repeating, it seems. I agree with you about humanity not being ready for the Ministry of the Magdalene, or anything deeply spiritual for that matter. Collective evolution is a slow process.
Speaking purely personally, it isn't fair, or right to place the onus upon the collective. The example set for us by the Cathari is for those who know the paths of spirit to traverse them, not for ourselves but for others. The collective is not the issue. Personal responsibility is.
A good article, Ms. A. You capture the horror of those times all too well.
You make a good point, but still, the collective is the sum total of all, and well, maybe there just aren't that many who "know the paths of spirit," relative to the whole. But I agree that "personal responsibility," or lack of such, is the core issue.
I would inject this into my veins if it was an option.
I’m going to have to think about this for a bit. You did inspire me to re-read it. :-)
Catholicism finally issued an official apology a few years ago. Some were hopeful that this could lead to some form of healing, yet soon after christianity hardened its position.
Today christians claim they were justified in their genocide, not unlike the situation with Palestine.
They scoff at their crimes, refusing to see deeper into the spiritual condition.
There are those, who whatever anyone says, remember the Cathari in dream and vision.
Some are calling for the release of the Ministry of the Magdalene.
I say mankind isn't ready.
Thank you for the very interesting comment. It is no surprise that anyone claims this genocide was justified, as is currently happening in relation to Palestine. History repeating, it seems. I agree with you about humanity not being ready for the Ministry of the Magdalene, or anything deeply spiritual for that matter. Collective evolution is a slow process.
Speaking purely personally, it isn't fair, or right to place the onus upon the collective. The example set for us by the Cathari is for those who know the paths of spirit to traverse them, not for ourselves but for others. The collective is not the issue. Personal responsibility is.
A good article, Ms. A. You capture the horror of those times all too well.
You make a good point, but still, the collective is the sum total of all, and well, maybe there just aren't that many who "know the paths of spirit," relative to the whole. But I agree that "personal responsibility," or lack of such, is the core issue.
Thank you for the compliment!
Thats why its unfair to place mankinds progress upon the shoulders of the collective...but thats just me, everyone else is free to think as they wish.