The World is Healing (But It Gets Messy First)
We've all felt the world shifting lately. Major astrological influences are focused on endings and transformation, leaving some with a sense of impending doom. I am sure that I am not the only one feeling the shift. Pluto has been going back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for awhile now. This coupled with other outer planets in their final degrees, suggests a collective experience of endings. This cosmic climate is likely shaping our world in profound ways.
Under the influence of these powerful planetary transits, I sought insights from trusted astrologers. Barbara Hand Clow's analysis was particularly enlightening. She writes about a Chiron Return in 2027, accompanied by supportive planetary alignments.
”When I studied the planetary placements during Chiron’s return to his discovery point, I was amazed to see that Pluto in 7 Aquarius sextiles Neptune in 6 Aries sextiles Uranus in 6 Gemini, while Saturn in 24 Aries trines Jupiter in 21 Leo. For those who know about how sound from 6D planetary geometry makes angelic music, this is it—the Music of the Spheres—the inner planets playing the outer planets as the harp in the sky.” - Barbara Hand Clow 1
On June 8, 2027, Chiron will return to its discovery point, marking a potent time for collective healing. This event coincides with unique planetary configurations of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and the social planets (Saturn, Jupiter). These aspects, with Chiron’s return, offer a catalyst for addressing deep-seated wounds, fostering a more equitable society.
Pluto in Aquarius sextiles Neptune in Aries, which in turn sextiles Uranus in Gemini. Simultaneously, Saturn in Aries trines Jupiter in Leo. These configurations suggest that transformative energy will be available to facilitate healing, innovation, and spiritual growth.
Chiron was discovered in the sign of Taurus which is associated with comfort, security, stability, material possessions, and values.
According to Ada Pembroke, “Taurus is a sign of healing. After the battles of Aries, Taurus is the place we come to lick our wounds. People with a lot of Taurus in their charts are people who have been through a lot—in this life or previous lives—and they have the tendency to become preoccupied with basic issues of security and survival.” 2
It seems that a time of healing will take place once we get through all of these “endings” and the upheavals that go along with them.
Chiron's Grand Return: A Planetary Catalyst for Transformation
Chiron returns to its discovery point in 2027, aligning with powerful planets like Pluto (transformation) and Neptune (spirituality). This creates a unique opportunity to address deep-seated issues and build a more just and sustainable society.
Key Planetary Influences:
Pluto in Aquarius: Challenges outdated systems, pushing for social justice and environmental action.
Neptune in Aries: Fosters a deeper spiritual connection and a desire for personal growth.
Uranus in Gemini: Drives innovation and breakthroughs in communication and technology.
Saturn in Aries: Encourages leadership and perseverance in overcoming challenges.
Jupiter in Leo: Fuels creativity and a desire for a more fulfilling life.
Historical Context: Chiron's Discovery and Its Impact on Cultural Shifts
To understand the broader context of Chiron's Grand Return, it is helpful to examine the historical context of Chiron's discovery. Chiron's discovery in 1977 aligned with a pivotal era of cultural and social transformation. The late 1970s marked the rise of the New Age movement, emphasizing spirituality, personal growth, and alternative healing. This cultural shift resonated deeply with Chiron's themes of healing and transformation, creating a receptive context for its teachings.
Growing environmental concerns during this time, exemplified by the Green Belt Movement, also aligned with Chiron's focus on sustainability and Earth healing. Wangari Maathai's movement demonstrated a grassroots approach to environmental conservation and social empowerment, reflecting Chiron's emphasis on collective action.3
The discovery of Chiron coincided with a resurgence of interest in alternative healing modalities. The cultural climate, combined with the discovery of a celestial body representing healing and transformation, resonated with people's desire for holistic wellness. This led to a proliferation of yoga studios, meditation centers, and acupuncture clinics.
The long-term impact of Chiron's discovery is significant. Its themes of healing, transformation, and bridging the old and new continue to resonate today. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, Chiron's teachings offer valuable insights into personal and collective healing.
The Sabian Symbol and Collective Wounds
The Sabian symbol associated with Chiron's placement at 3 degrees Taurus, "The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow,"4 reflects a collective wound rooted in the pursuit of material wealth and security. This symbol often symbolizes the allure of easy solutions and the belief that material possessions will bring happiness. However, this pursuit can lead to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. During Chiron's Grand Return, we might witness a collective shift away from materialism and towards a focus on intrinsic rewards, such as personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. Additionally, the symbol suggests the importance of integrating inner desires with practical realities, finding a balance between spiritual growth and material needs.
The Ingress Chart: A Blueprint for Transformation
The ingress chart emphasizes themes of nurturing, compassion, and humility. Cancer Rising underscores the importance of home and Earth connection, while Venus in Pisces suggests potential for healing and transformation. Mars in Leo cautions against hubris and encourages collective responsibility.
The Empress card, representing Venus in Taurus, emerges as a central theme during Chiron's Grand Return. As the ruler of Taurus, Venus symbolizes love, money, and values. This suggests a need for nurturing, abundance, and practical wisdom in healing our collective relationship with the Earth and building a more sustainable future.
Chiron in Taurus, ruled by Venus, underscores the importance of love, money, and values during this Grand Return. The square between Chiron and the nodes emphasizes the need for balance between personal desires and societal expectations, as well as security and freedom. This planetary configuration aligns with the broader themes of Chiron's Grand Return, including collective healing, equity, and sustainability.
Vesta in Taurus, squaring the nodes, foreshadows a heightened focus on practical matters and resource management. This might manifest in challenges related to finances, possessions, or environmental issues.
Pluto's square to Sedna, coupled with Sedna's alignment with the North Node, suggests a guiding force toward logical solutions. Individuals may be drawn to practical and evidence-based approaches to problem-solving.
The extended trine between Uranus, Sedna, and Pluto hints at a long-term trend toward innovative and sustainable solutions. As we navigate the challenges of Chiron's return, these planetary aspects will gradually bring logical solutions, such as compost for all, into view. The aftermath of past excesses will necessitate a shift toward more sustainable practices. The conjunction between Pluto and the North Node, aligned with Sedna and Uranus, suggests that ideas like compost for all will become a reality, driven by the need for practical and logical solutions.
These planetary influences align with the broader themes of Chiron's Grand Return, including collective healing, equity, and sustainability. The Empress card, in particular, emphasizes the importance of nurturing, abundance, and practical wisdom in creating a more harmonious and sustainable future.
Chiron's Grand Return: A Call for Collective Healing
Chiron's Grand Return offers a unique opportunity for personal and societal transformation. By understanding the planetary influences and harnessing the harmonious vibrations of the Music of the Spheres,5 we can address our collective wounds and embrace healing, sustainability, and equity. Active participation is key to this transformative process. Personal responsibility and collaborative efforts are interconnected. By healing ourselves and contributing to our communities, we can create a ripple effect that leads to broader societal transformation.
Collective shadows, rooted in past trauma and societal conditioning, hinder progress. Chiron's Grand Return offers hope for overcoming these challenges. Fear of scarcity can lead to unsustainable practices. We can shift our perspective to choose abundance.
Power imbalances have led to oppression. Addressing past injustices creates a more equitable society. Denial of pain prevents addressing underlying issues. Chiron's Return offers a chance to confront emotions and heal.
Collective shadows can be negative, but also sources of creativity. By recognizing them, we can catalyze positive change. Fear can become courage, and power imbalances can be addressed through collective action.
Honoring Element of Earth
Chiron's Grand Return invites collective healing and transformation. It illuminates deep-seated wounds, especially our fractured relationship with Earth. By addressing shared traumas and connecting with nature, we shift towards a more compassionate, sustainable, and interconnected society.
Our inability to reproduce, grow food, and value the planet reflects our collective wound and pain. This disconnection stems from historical injustices, unsustainable practices, and a lack of understanding the necessity of our interconnectedness with nature.
For instance, incorporating the renewable practice of composting our food collectively, symbolizes a healing commitment to the element of Earth. Honoring sustainable living returns nutrients, supports ecosystems, and reduces reliance on fossil fuels. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living things.
The 2027 Chiron return with the planetary aspects mentioned above may inspire social and political change and foster spiritual awakening, along with forging a transformative-energy shaping our future history.
By addressing collective shadows and embracing planetary influences, we can create a sustainable and harmonious future. This involves transitioning to renewable energy, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering global interconnectedness.
We must deepen our connection with Earth and commit to creating a just and equitable world. Let us rise to this challenge and create a new Earth, nourished by our love, respect, and stewardship.
2024 Summer Solstice
The Discovery of Chiron
Sabian Symbols - Lynda Hill
The Chiron Cycle and the Process of Awakening
Many thanks to Wendy at Animals and Oracles for creating the charts and her input, especially in relation to the Ingress Chart and The Empress card.
The phrase "Music of the Spheres" refers to the harmonious relationships between celestial bodies and their corresponding vibrations. By including this concept, we emphasize the spiritual and energetic dimensions of Chiron's Grand Return. It suggests that by aligning with these cosmic rhythms, we can tap into a deeper source of healing and transformation.
Maybe we should start a series. Between us, we know a ton of astrologers. We can invite anyone who wants to contribute something further to do so. But who is going to play the part of Linda Jonson and organize it into a booklet????
Awesome! Thank you! This has me considering the south node of Uranus also… it’s in Sagittarius so the integration is considering our understanding and practices collectively around nature and natural cycles and how we if we are disconnected from understanding those collectively then we experience a fragmentation in consciousness which can only be reflected back to us in readers to the earth element.